NovaBydova: You Are Worth of Quality Living in Sofiivska Borshchagivka!


When driving along the Kyiv’s Kiltseva Street one may see on one of its sides old houses, and on the other – modern residential developments. What investments would you embark now? You will definitely find the RC “Shchaslyvyi” at Yabluneva Street in Sofiivska Borshchagivka interesting! Everyone, who follows the news, knows that the intention is to build 8 ten-storey houses there (learn more about the project here:

By now the following has been done at the construction stage І:

- 6 out of 10 floors built in all sections;

- windows placed up to the 3rd floor on the internal side;

- engineering communications works started: sanitary piping and electricity distribution.

        A foundation pit has been dug out for the next residential house and all preparation works are done for the laying of foundation.

        All RC “Shchaslyvyi” buildings will be built of brick; the development’s territory will offer a kindergarden, a sports ground, and a stop for public transport. We offer European quality here and now! Apartments at Yabluneva Street will be put for sale soon. Are you in urgent need of an apartment? Our sales office can offer you finished apartments. Make a call immediately! (067) 735 76 76 (Sofiivska Borshchagivka).
