NovaBydova’s Congratulations to the Spring Festival!


The unbelievable power of women lies in their ability to bring life and create beauty around; and also to inspire the entire world. There’s one delicate thing about them – their belief in themselves needs ongoing reinforcement. That is why presents and compliments are no whim, but life necessity for a woman. She saturates her soul with them, and then multiplies them to share with her family. Bring a woman into your home and she will make it a promised space.

The NovaBydova Company has witnessed not just once how duly appreciated women transform. That is why we decided to give a present to women – “Montale”. These French perfumes are enjoyed by sheikhs and members of royal families. In order to get perfume as a present one has to sign a downpayment agreement in the period from February 28 to March 10, 2015*.

* One may get “Montale” upon signing of the preliminary purchase and sale agreement for his/her apartment.